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At Mountain Water Retreat in stunning southern Colorado

September 19 - 22, 2024


“The most sensuous poets are the ones I trust the most,” says the poet Jorie Graham, citing the way that a word like “justice” can mean a thousand things to a thousand people while a word like “salt” has a much smaller range of possible associations. This workshop will focus our attention on the world of the senses and how writing from our senses can sharpen, heighten, and expand our poetry and our relationship with the world, offering a more empathetic and deeper engagement with each other and with the living earth. The title of this course is a line from a Lucille Clifton poem. We’ll use this poem and a range of others as lenses to consider the ways our cultural and ecological moment is an invitation to widened wonder and love. 


This workshop is open to everyone. No prior experience with writing or reading poetry is needed or expected. We will talk, read, walk, move, laugh, eat, wander, wonder, and write together. You’ll receive a bounty of readings and prompts to inspire your writing in the workshop and beyond.

$600 per person includes 3 days of instruction, lodging, all meals, and snacks. 

Enrollment is limited to 6 people. 

Begins Thursday, Sep 19, 6:30 pm

Ends Sunday, Sep 22, 1 pm

Dietary needs can be accommodated. Lodging will be in a lovely rustic cabin or staggeringly beautiful camping spots (your pick, there are 4 cabins and 2 camping spots) with access to a gorgeous kitchen, two shared bathrooms, an outhouse, and a beautiful, huge shared studio space. Be in touch with any questions about lodging, food, or facilities. Some photos are available on the Mountain Water Retreat website. 

You can sign up here.

After filling out the form, please send payment to:

Venmo: @Daniela-Molnar

Paypal: @dnmolnar

Or mail me a check, be in touch for my address.

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